Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A Guide to Using a Remote Recovery Data Facility For Your Business

Many companies have begun using a remote recovery data facility center to provide comprehensive data protection. This is especially useful if something goes wrong with your data access at your primary location and this should be part of your existing plan to recover from the problem. To decide if this method of remotely protecting data is right for your company, you need to look at several factors: how these facilities work, the advantages and disadvantages of using such a service, and how to select the right remote recovery data facility for your needs.

Understanding how these facilities function should be a key part of whether or not you choose to use one for your data. Most work in two phases. First, a backup of your data must be made either continuously or at scheduled intervals through the company's software. The data is then remotely stored so it will be protected from problems onsite. When necessary, however, the data can be sent back to your location electronically. Obviously, this type of service can provide a number of advantages.

Choosing to use this type of data recovery has several advantages. For one, the offsite storage of your data means it has even greater protection. A fire or flood, for example, that destroys your computer equipment will not destroy the backup copies of your data. Also, your data will be managed by people who are experienced in this area and understand how to properly handle it. However, there are some disadvantages.

Clearly, there are good reasons to use a remote recovery data facility but there are also drawbacks. One drawback could be security. While most people do not have access to the stored data, other employees may be able to access them if they are not encrypted properly in advance before being encrypted again for the transfer. Also, if the data facility does not have proper environmental controls in place your data could be damaged during storage. Of course, these disadvantages just mean one must be careful about selecting a provider.

If you are trying to select a data facility, make sure to look for the following features. For one, you want a location that will has a full-time staff prepared to care for your stored data. You should also ask about the environmental controls in place. You may also want to ask about online access to the data in case you need it.


Hopefully, your business will never need to use a recovery data facility center. But you should have the plan in place on how to utilize one before the need arises. When planning remember to ask questions before choosing the correct remote recovery data facility for your data.

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